Worth Reading

With so many stories out there, it’s hard to sift through them to find the good ones. I loved reading these three recent pieces — so maybe you will too. Here’s my recommended magazine reading list. Enjoy.

The Vanishing, by Bob Friel, in Outside Magazine (July 2012): This gripping story investigates the disappearance of over a dozen women along Highway 16 in British Columbia, known as “The Highway of Tears.” 

My Dad, My Boy, by Mary Louise Parker, in Esquire Magazine (June 2012): A great read for Father’s Day, plus if you think Mary Louise Parker is just an actress, you’ll quickly realize otherwise (she’s a great writer, too).

The Wrestler, by Benjamin Percy, in Time Magazine (May 2012): I am a huge fan of John Irving, and I’m pleased to see he’s got a new book coming out (In One Person, out now). In this story, the writer spends a weekend with Irving. You need a subscription to read this story online (I read it in the dentist’s office recently…)